Monday 6 August 2012


Its a truth I've found, in life, that energy and inspiration often comes unlooked for from strange and varied places.
You assume the art galleries, great songs, sunsets, love and other catastrophes.
But the surprise is the rest...
The seemingly mundane moments that leave you with a deeper breath and feeling of purpose.
The riddiculous film that, for no fathomable reason, raises pulse with waves of emotion.
A view.
A smile.
An instant that swells your chest and fills you with the hope and the possible.
Ive had more than my share of both, and often its struck me  to wonder why it is that one particular moment can be imbued with such significance and power seemingly so far beyond itself. 
Perhaps, the explanation lies beyond the more obvious momentary catalyst, and is more internal ... something we carry ourselves that is unearthed in an instant, inspired by something obvious or less so.
It always seems to be that way in the negative, where for no discernable reason you crash into a swampy funk of doubt and anxiety. Even though you may attribute it to a passing moments catalyst, a set-back of some sort, more often than not it seems the fundamental basis of it is more intrinsic ... if unknown... to yourself.
So why not the same in the positive? 
Perhaps, bubbling, churning beneath the surface is the constant process of memory, question and analysis. Its pace and direction is unknown and unconscious and it shows itself only in the moments when its flow is brought to our attention by the coincidence of momentary catalyst.
Thus it may be that the slow, swampy mudslide of doubt and depression can seemingly come from no-where, when uncovered by the catalysing, momentary prick of experience... and unleash a long lasting mood that casts a shadow so much longer than the moment itself ever should.
And in reverse, as today...
Where a manipulative moment in a non-descript hollywood action movie can be the catalyst for a surge of strength, decision and purpose.
Perhaps I just dont want to assume, or admitt that Im so simple a being that I can draw any philosophical strength from Batman, or perhaps it is as I say.
But in either case, I will follow on with something a little more 'traditionally' inspirational ... for myself at least... and quote from the word of Tom

“Self-esteem is for sissies. Accept that you're a pimple and try to keep a lively sense of humor about it. That way lies grace - and maybe even glory.”
 And, just because it was a fleeting moment that, regardless of context, put a smile on my face.
My Surgeon was Dr. Philip Ngo.
I had an appointment to shuffle and grimace my way out past Trocadero today to check that his handywork was progressing well (it is)
And as I slowly follow him into his office, his mobile rings.
Its the James Bond Theme.

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