Saturday 4 August 2012

A little bit of nothing

The strange foibles of international television.
The French show their Olympics on 2 channels.
Which sounds fantastic. Strangely, though, they spend their day of coverage inexplicably switching between tv 2 and tv 3.
The same commentators, same personalities.
Different channel. A few hours on 2 and then 3, and then back to 2.
As someone who has to get up to change the channel this is annoying... but at the very least strangely incomprehensible.
There is, actually, a tangible physical limit to how much crap television you can watch in a 5 day stretch.
Ive reached, and to be honest, exceeded that limit.
There is also a physical limit to how long you can lay in bed without being uncomfortable.
This point has also been exceeded.
Currently entering the ironic phase of convalescence, where the inclination and will to 'do' has returned with a vengance.
Only to be curtailed by the fact that there is only so creative one can be sitting in a bed.
No, I aint no genius. I need inspiration.
I need streets, people, sound, smell... and anything else.
Im attempting stair descent and getting out tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're having a hard time, hope you'll get better soon. France 2 and France 3 channels are both national channels aka non private channels, therefore they share the diffusion of sport events in order to be able to keep diffusing most of their normal programme content. They also have less advertisement time than TF1, M6 etc who fund their programme via those ads (those 2 channels are funding by our taxes)...So believe or not most of the time channels 2 and 3 are better quality programmes and cultural content, plus regional news flashes... SUMMER though is the worse period to watch tv though as there is absolutely nothing interesting... GOOD luck! Helene the frenchie who lives in Scotland (where TV is ten times worse, yeah we do have tv now)... :)
