Sunday 17 June 2012

If I were a government...

Ever since Franklin Roosevelt swept into power with a bold series of measures to combat the international economic malaise of the great depression, the first 100 days of a governments office has become a yardstick by which their effectiveness may be judged.
Energetic reformers such as himself, and Whitlam in Australia, built their reputations upon the rapid implementation their legislative agendas.
lounging with a book, a pot of coffee and a croissant (no, truly... I am really am eating a croissant) it occurred to me that I have just passed the 100th day of my voyage.
Ive always been one for the value of reflection and analysis, so it seems appropriate to look back upon the last 100 days, with some thought to just how history may view what has transpired therein.
100 days.
Ive traversed 3 languages, 4 countries, 5 Nations and 25000km.
With beard, and without, ive been buffeted by gale and snow, sleet, rain and hail. There've been thunderstorms, sunshowers, and skies every colour of the palette.
Ive travelled on planes, trains, buses, ferrys, cars, bikes and sailing boats... and a fair few miles up hills, mountains and down valleys, dells and rocky shorelines.
Ive borne witness to confirmation, death, pregnancy, birthdays, engagement, escape, return, happiness, frustration, anger, joy and sadness.
Ive met friends and strangers, and shared their lives with food and drink.
Ive seen much that was new, and a lot I thought familiar in a new light.
Perhaps not a bold beginning worthy of the new deal, but I am still on the road

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